(this article was originally published on 3 June 2020; this is an updated version of the article, last updated on 11 June 2020) On 17 April 2020, we wrote [1, 2] that China was waging fifth generation warfare against the…
United Kingdom, World
A review of the Ferguson code review
by thesarkeetimes • • 0 Comments
Recently, Toby Young, on his Lockdown Sceptics blog, published a code review of Neil Ferguson’s epidemiological model of SARS-2, written by an author writing under the pseudonym Sue Denim [1,2]. We express here some of our reservations about this review.…
United Kingdom, World
Our leaders fiddle while China wages war on us and takes over the world
by thesarkeetimes • • 2 Comments
(this article was originally published here on the Unity News Network site on 17 April 2020; this is an updated version of the article, last updated on 8 May 2020) Abstract The conclusions of this article are: The Wuhan SARS-2…
Renewables: the answer to Sark’s electricity price problem?
by thesarkeetimes • • 0 Comments
It has been suggested that the reason, or one of the reasons, electricity on Sark is expensive is because ‘expensive’ and ‘dirty’ fossil fuels are used to generate it, and everything would be hunky-dory if only we used the ‘cheaper’…
Wind turbines on Sark?
by thesarkeetimes • • 1 Comment
It has been suggested that “renewables” are the way to reduce the cost of electricity on Sark. How does this claim stack up?Well, first of all, you may wish to ask yourself how “renewables” do in cost terms elsewhere where…
The MoJ Letter
by thesarkeetimes • • 0 Comments
In the recent letter from the Ministry of Justice to Sark, the following words are worthy of particular attention: “I turn now to the important issue of the future shape and size of Chief Pleas … You may, for example,…